Saturday, April 27, 2024

Graphic and Interactive Design Major

bachelor's degree in graphic design

A Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design can help you build your professional portfolio, look for internships, and make connections that can help advance your career. With website development driving much of this job growth, graphic designers with a background in web design or user experience design may possess a more marketable skill set for today's employers. The web design degree online program supplements the traditional graphic arts foundation with digital-oriented core courses, striking the balance of artistic interests and practical web design. In this online graphic design degree, you’ll learn these design theories and master how to apply them in your own professional design projects. Arizona State University’s Bachelor of Science in Design in graphic design explores ways to solve problems and develop narratives through visual communication. In this program, you’ll learn essential design principles and master applying these skills to professional print and web design projects.

Arizona State University Digital Immersion

While graphic design is an increasingly digital medium, knowing how to draw will help you better communicate your ideas and create better graphic designs. This is because the main difference between a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Arts is that the majority of your courses in a BFA will be in-studio classes focusing on helping you develop as an artist. A BA will give you a more well-rounded education through literature, history, and other humanities courses and, in the end, let you access a wider range of job opportunities. The school is home to hundreds of notable faculty including Nobel and Pulitzer prize winners.

Hodges University

These experts also work on product design projects and overall layouts for different applications such as magazines, advertisements, and reports. Multimedia designers are professionals who specialize in creating visuals and sounds that promote brands, products, or services. Their job can entail video editing, digital graphic design, sound designing, and more. While it may not be the first job you think of when you get your graphic design degree, you can actually use your graphic design skills to create stylish clothing. Your newfound expertise in color theory, drawing, and scale can help you digitally create looks for individual clients or companies. The most affordable Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design is the online Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Communication degree program offered by the University of Maryland Global Campus.

Universities Offering Online Bachelor’s in Graphic Design Degree Programs

This multi-disciplinary approach enables you to find your creative voice and find your place within the dynamic landscape of contemporary graphic design. In a bachelor of arts in graphic design program, you’ll learn how to use both traditional and digital art tools to develop eye-catching and memorable graphics and designs. We understand that earning a bachelor’s degree is an investment – so finding the right online graphic design degree is important! When you choose Liberty, you can be confident that you are being trained for your career under faculty that care. If you are looking for a way to prepare for a career in design, look no further.

Following freshman year, our students have their own desks and gain 24/7 studio access. Our students work closely with their peers and faculty to create a diverse portfolio of concept development and design that exhibit their technical skill, and that articulate unique ideas. Some graph­ic design schools offer a BFA in Art with con­cen­tra­tions in spe­cif­ic forms of graph­ic art like Web Design, 3D Ani­ma­tion, and Mod­el­ing, or Media Arts to name a few.

Now I have a graphic design degree…where can I work after graduating?

Some common courses include digital publishing, art theory, typography, and design. Art directors also oversee staff, work directly with clients on projects, and create budgets and timelines. They often work in advertising agencies, public relations firms, and publishing companies.

11 classes aligned with interests, 4 classes (12 credits) must be 300 or above. 8 classes aligned with interests, 3/8 classes (9 credits) must be 300 or above. We understand that higher education is an investment, and we’re committed to helping you navigate your options.

Graphic Design Degree: Do You Need One? - Dice Insights

Graphic Design Degree: Do You Need One?.

Posted: Tue, 13 Dec 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Other relevant majors for graphic design include web development, industrial design, and digital arts. Tuition costs vary based on an institution's distinction, location, and designation as a private or public establishment. By finding the most affordable online graphic design degree and coupling it with financial aid programs, grants, or scholarships, you may be able to get your degree for a very reasonable price. Other options include grants and scholarships that can come from a variety of sources, namely state, private, federal, and institutional.


Among fine arts schools in the nation, ahead of Cornell University, Parsons School of Design and the University of California. I think graphic design is growing in popularity because of its flexibility to be taken almost anywhere, unlike other professions that need to be fulfilled at the physical college or university. Print products like magazines, books, posters, and banners continue to meet a need in relaying information to the public. This specialization provides students with the design skills needed to use print media effectively. Learners also can gain the technical skills needed to prepare designs for print production. This concentration often covers logo design, corporate branding and identity, and digital and print advertisements.

The pro­gram (and the whole Depart­ment of Art) is accred­it­ed by the Nation­al Asso­ci­a­tion of Schools of Art and Design, and whether online or face-to-face, is taught by the same rec­og­nized faculty. The course­work at UI increas­es in com­plex­i­ty as you progress through the pro­gram as well. This method­ol­o­gy forms lead­ers in prob­lem-solv­ing, a char­ac­ter­is­tic that employ­ers look for in every appli­ca­tion and inter­view. Anoth­er fea­ture worth not­ing of the pro­gram is the flex­i­bil­i­ty of com­plet­ing the degree online or on cam­pus.

This program focuses on technical, analytical, sensory, and formal design experiences. Students also learn about visual systems, communication theory, and information design. Students get familiar with design applications and can customize their degrees to include other areas of graphic design. This graphic design and communication program has a curriculum that touches on all forms of design including 3D and 2D animation, motion graphics, conceptualization, storytelling, web design, and typography.

Our Graphic Design degree has an excellent reputation within the design industry and has very strong links with employers. Many of our students undertake placements at top design companies in their second year and our industry partners support us with live projects and give visiting lectures. Hundreds of design agencies, organisations and other employers also attend our final year degree show each year. Visual communication through graphic design touches and shapes many aspects of modern life. From mobile apps and interactive posters to pop-up shows and global branding – graphic design is everywhere.

bachelor's degree in graphic design

Liberty’s 100% online bachelor’s degree in graphic design seeks to provide the hands-on style of learning you’ll need to succeed. Graphic design bachelor’s degrees cost an average of $16,647 per year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Tuition costs vary depending on the institution and whether the program is offered online or in person. Keep in mind that private non-profit and private for-profit schools will typically cost more than public schools.

Many online learning institutions provide low prices coupled with financial aid, scholarships, or other loan opportunities. Although tuition rates vary among universities and are continually subject to change, you can expect to pay between $320 and $754 per credit hour. As for higher level classes, the university you join will tailor their curricula to meet the requirements of your specialization. For this reason, you’ll want to view the details of each program you’re considering. Potential career paths include becoming a website designer, media integration specialist, web publications specialist, or a web producer. An online degree in animation can teach you how to bring your designs to life in 2D or 3D landscapes.

The Bachelor’s in Fine Arts in Graph­ic Design & Dig­i­tal Media at Cham­plain is inno­v­a­tive and afford­able. Just like colors, the shape and size of letters can affect the way we interpret or categorize text. A calligraphy course will not only help you understand how different fonts do this, but will also help you learn to recreate these fonts yourself or even create your own. The admission requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design are different from school to school.

When all is said and done, and you’ve com­plet­ed cours­es in pho­tog­ra­phy, web design, typog­ra­phy, dig­i­tal illus­tra­tion, and more, you will be con­fi­dent on day one of your new career. A dis­tin­guish­ing char­ac­ter­is­tic of UIU’s Graph­ic Design pro­gram is its cur­ricu­lum. Rather than take spec­i­fied cours­es and com­plete pre­scribed projects, stu­dents cre­ate their own projects in every class. This “port­fo­lio-dri­ven” cur­ricu­lum cul­ti­vates orig­i­nal­i­ty, and cre­ativ­i­ty, and pre­pares you for a suc­cess­ful tran­si­tion into the workplace.

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